Quick. Fun. Worthwhile.
Maybe it's just me, but I've been noticing more and more videos done with the early 90s, "Ren & Stimpy" kind of feel to them. After having seen so many, when I saw the intro credits I prepared myself for boredom. Glad to see I was wrong.
This has that classic (can I call the 90s "classic" yet?) feel to it, while having a bit of modern wackiness. The musical choice - "In the Hall of the Mountain King" - may be done to death, but there is a reason for it; it is fun as hell!
Also, the length was just what I wanted. I got to have some fun with a quick, nonsensical plot, and while the end was abrupt, it felt good to me. You could have easily stretched it out, trying to think of more jokes and zaniness, but it would have been pushing it.
Despite all my praise I'm still only giving an 7/10, which is quite good in my opinion. I can't say I was wowed or anything, but I certainly enjoyed it.
Keep at it!